MATLAB: Is there a function that populates a matrix whose minor diagonal are all the same

MATLABmatlab function

Is there a function that populates a matrix whose minor diagonal are all the same, according to the given (odd-numbered) vector? For example, for
[1, 7.9, 100, 18.2, -3.4]
, we can get a 3×3 matrix:
1 7.9 100
7.9 100 18.2
100 18.2 -3.4
I can of course populate this matrix myself. I am just wondering if there is a single function provided by Matlab that can do it. Thanks.

Best Answer

Use hankel:
>> V = [1,7.9,100,18.2,-3.4];
>> hankel(V(1:3),V(3:end))
ans =
1 7.9 100
7.9 100 18.2
100 18.2 -3.4
You can easily calculate the midpoint index:
N = (1+numel(V))/2;