MATLAB: Is there a difference in functionality in the selection/editing of Line Properties in Bode and Transfer funtion plots in the Control System Toolbox 7.0 (R2006a)

Control System Toolbox

I have observed that there is a change in functionality in the Bode and Transfer Function plots created using the BODE and TF commands respectively, in MATLAB 7.1 (R14SP3) and the earlier versions (for example, 7.0.4 (R14SP2) etc.).
While, in previous versions I was able to select Edit–>Axes Properties from the Figure Toolbar and then right-click on the Line, to modify its properties like Line Width, Line Style etc., I am unable to access these functionalities in MATLAB 7.1 (R14SP3).
The following lines of MATLAB code demonstrates this:
g = tf([1 0.1 7.5],[1 0.12 9 0 0]);
h.axes = get(gcf, 'Children');
h.axes1_children = get(h.axes(1), 'Children');
get(h.axes1_children, 'Type')

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Control System Toolbox 8.2 (R2008b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The reason for the loss of functionality to edit the Bode and Transfer function Line properties using the Figure Toolbar is the new organization structure of the graphics objects. While in previous releases the Line Objects were direct children of the respective Axes, in the current release, the Line Objects are children of a HGGROUP object, which in turn is the child of the Axes.
To access the Line object properties from the command line, refer to the sample MATLAB code shown below:
clear all
close all
g = tf([1 0.1 7.5],[1 0.12 9 0 0]);
h.axes = get(gcf, 'Children');
h.axes1_children = get(h.axes(1), 'Children');
h.axes1_grandchildren = get(h.axes1_children(1), 'Children');
set(h.axes1_grandchildren, 'LineWidth', 2)