MATLAB: Is there a bug in the IFIR function in the Filter Design Toolbox 2.5 (R13+)

filterFilter Design Toolboxifirripple

The IFIR does not converge for any ripple value greater than 0.004.
For example:
[h,g] = ifir(4,'low',[.05 .08], [0.01 0.005]);
returns the following error:
Probable cause is machine rounding error.
Number of iterations = 3 Warning:
If the number of iterations exceeds 3, the design may
be correct, but should be verified with freqz.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a bug in the Filter Design Toolbox 2.5 (R13) when using ripple value greater than 0.004 with the IFIR function.
To work around this issue, use the 'advanced' option with the IFIR function. For example:
[h,g] = ifir(4,'low',[.05 .08], [0.01 0.01],'adv');