MATLAB: Is there a block in the Aerospace Blockset to convert from LLA to Flat Earth position coordinates

aerospaceAerospace Blocksetblockco-ordinatescoordinatesearthflatlla

The Aerospace Blockset has a block to convert from Flat Earth to LLA coordinates. I am looking for a block that does the inverse transformation.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2011a (R2011a). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The Aerospace Blockset does not have a block to convert LLA coordinates to Flat Earth coordinates.
The formula for the conversion from Flat Earth to LLA coordinates is provided in the help documentation for the "Flat Earth to LLA" block. You can build your own subsystem or S-function that will do the inverse transformation.
The Mapping Toolbox has the PROJFWD function that converts latitude/longitude data to XY map coordinates. You might want to consider using this function in your Simulink model (MATLAB Function block).