MATLAB: Is the voltage results from Phasor simulation different from Continuous simulation

MATLAB and Simulink Student Suitephasor modelphasor simulation

I am wondering why the voltages from the Phasor and Continuous are different.Please see more detail in the figure.
The voltage measurement from Three-phase V-I measurement is phase to phase.
1. The voltage from Continuous model is correct as per the voltage source.
2. The voltage fram Phasor model is different from the voltage source.
Anybody who knows the theory behind the Phasor simulation please advise.

Best Answer

The following 2 links will give you clear idea about phasor mode of simulation
Simply, if you are interested only in the changes in magnitude and phase of all voltages and currents when switches are closed or opened, you do not need to solve all differential equations (state-space model) resulting from the interaction of R, L, and C elements. You can instead solve a much simpler set of algebraic equations relating the voltage and current phasors. This is what the phasor solution method does.