MATLAB: Is the two packet limit on UDP communication using xPC Target 2.7.2 (R14SP2) for one UDP block or for one UDP port

communicationlimitationmemorynote;onSimulink Real-Timeudpxpc

When using xPC Target for UDP communication there is a limit on the maximum number of UDP packets waiting to be read as mentioned in the 'Note on UDP Communication' section of the xPC Target documentation. I would like to know if the limit is just for one UDP block or for one port of UDP.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This is an error within the documentation for xPC Target within the "UDP Communication" section. The documentation should read as follows:
"The UDP communication has been set up to have a maximum of two UDP packets waiting to be read. This applies to one UDP port, which corresponds to one UDP Receive block. All subsequent packets are rejected."
Each time a UDP Receive block is inserted in a model, the software instantiates a new queue in the xPC Target kernel.