MATLAB: Is the TCP/IP communication protocol not working for the xPC Target 2.0 (R13) model

ipsimulinkSimulink Real-Timetcpxpc

My xPC Target model exhibits strange behavior when starting the application via
When I use one of the supplied test models, (for example, xpcosc.mdl) I can successfully do an xPC Target build. I can also successfully start the application on the target by typing the following on the host PC:
These successful build and runs occur for both serial and TCP/IP host-target connections.
However, I have a National Instruments PCI-MIO 16-E4 DAQ card inserted into the target PC. When I use a trivial model containing the Analog Output block for this board, I have observed that:
a.) "+tg" works just fine if the host-target communications are serial
b.) "+tg" causes the error message given below if the host-target communications are TCP/IP
??? Error using ==> xpc/uplus
TCP/IP Read Error
So in summary, the pattern that causes the problem is:
TCP/IP communication and a model containing an Analog Output block for PCI-MIO 16-E4

Best Answer

The error message about a TCP/IP read error means that the target crashed and did not respond to the host.
You need to verify that the BIOS is configured to program all PCI boards in the machine. The BIOS question that will be worded something such as 'PNP operating system' should be set to NO. If that is set to YES, then the BIOS doesn't program base addresses for any PCI boards and the driver will usually crash.
This error can also be encountered if a Simulink model or Stateflow chart encounters a long or infinite loop. You should try to debug these with the simulation in Normal mode before connecting to the xPC target PC. If the Simulink model or Stateflow chart spends a long period of time within a loop, or gets stuck in an infinite loop, the host machine will timeout and assume that the target is not responding.