MATLAB: Is the second plot only coming up when I run the program

2d plotnot showing uprun programtwo plots

I have a function file and script file that both work well together, but out of the two plots I am trying to show when I run the program, only the second one shows up. Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
My function file:
function ff = fCW()
F = @(f,Re) 2*log10(Re*sqrt(f))-0.8-(1/sqrt(f));
Re = linspace(1e4,1e7,121);
ff = zeros(size(Re));
for k = 1:length(Re)
ff(k) = fzero( @(f) F(f,Re(k)), 0.05 );
My script file:
FCW = fCW();
Re1=linspace(1e+4,1e+7,121); NRe1=length(Re1);
fB = zeros(size(Re1)); fSJ = fB;
for i=1:NRe1
plot(Re1, FCW, Re1, fSJ, Re1, fB)
xlabel('Reynolds Number'); ylabel('Dimensionless Friction Factor');
title('Three Friction Factor Correlations for Smooth Pipes')
legend('Colebrook-White Correlation', 'Swamee-Jain Correlation',...
'Blasius Correlation')
xlabel('Dimensionless Friction Factor');
ylabel('Dimensionless Friction Factor');
legend('Ratio of Blasius to Colebrook-White Correlation',...
'Ratio of Swamee-Jain to Colebrook-White Correlation')

Best Answer

MATLAB will plot in the same open axes object unless it to create a new one.
Do this:
plot(Re1, FCW, Re1, fSJ, Re1, fB)
... CODE ...
... CODE ...
and they should both be visible (although you will probably have to toggle between them or offset them from one another to see them both).
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