MATLAB: Is the “rtmodel.h” file still generated when “AutoBuildProcedure” is set to false in MATLAB R2020b


I encountered a code generation issue in MATLAB R2020b.
When "AutoBuildProcedure" is set to TLC_FALSE in STF, the "rtmodel.h" file is still generated, which, according to the following documentation, should be suppressed:

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This is the expected behavior.
Note that there are two types of targets - Embedded real-time (ERT) and generic real-time (GRT) targets.
For information on how the two targets differ, please refer to the following MATLAB Answers post:
Also note that "AutoBuildProcedure" is only applicable to ERT and ERT-derived targets. Thus, if your model is a GRT-derived target, then "AutoBuildProcedure" does not apply.
As a result, the "rtmodel.h" file is not suppressed when "AutoBuildProcedure" is set to false.
Moreover, for GRT targets, setting "AutoBuildProcedure" to true can result in "rtmodel.h" being generated twice. In this case, you would see an additional paragraph in "rtmodel.h".
In short, "AutoBuildProcedure" is only applicable for ERT targets. If you have GRT targets, do not use it.