MATLAB: Is the Region record missing in BlockHierarchyMap for Real Time Workshop 5.0 (R13)

blockhierarchymapinmissingrecordregionsimulink coder

Why is the Region record missing in BlockHierarchyMap for Real Time Workshop 5.0 (R13)?
In the BlockHierarchyMap, the information about the output signals of blocks is only correct if the ports are connected. If a port is not connected the "Region" record within
is missing although the "NumRegions" field has the correct value. For this reason, there is no possibility to get information about the dimension, data type and address of the signal.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This has been forwarded to our development staff to be addressed in a future release of RTW.
Currently, there are no known workarounds.