MATLAB: Is the properties field of the Model Info block Configuration manager inactive when using Jalindi Igloo plugin as the source control system


I am using the Jalindi Igloo plug-in to connect to a Concurrent Version System (CVS) server. I selected "Jalindi Igloo" from File > Preferences > General > Source Control. However, the “Configuration manager properties” field in the "Model Info" block in my Simulink model is not activated and I am not able to select the revisions and Tags. I tried to use the VersionManager from Serena as the VCS, but notice same behavior.

Best Answer

The "Configuration manager properties" feature of the "Model Info" block on Windows, works independently of the selected source control tool.
The Model Info block understands the revision control tags for a very small number of revision control tools, and unfortunately, Concurrent Version System (CVS) is not one of those tools. However, the Model Info block understands Revision Control System (RCS) tags, and since CVS tags are largely the same as RCS tags, you can obtain information from CVS tags into the Model Info block with the following workaround.
Open your Simulink model and execute the following command at MATLAB prompt:
set_param(bdroot, 'ConfigurationManager ','RCS')
You should now be able to insert the configuration manager tags into the Model Info block. You will need to do this for each model separately.