MATLAB: Is the options file being ignored after using lmreread


I am using an options file with my network license which contains GROUP entires. After doing a reread (either from lmtools.exe or the command line), it appears that the rules I've listed in my options file no longer apply. How do I fix this?

Best Answer

The lmreread utility causes the license server manager to reread the license file and start any new vendor daemons that have been added. In addition, all currently running vendor daemons are signaled to reread the license file and their options files for changes. If report logging is enabled, any report log data still in the vendor daemon’s internal data buffer is flushed. lmreread recognizes changes to system host names, but cannot be used to change server TCP/IP port numbers or update license files.
The lmreread utility will not work with Network Named User licensing only Concurrent licenses.