MATLAB: Is the memory alignment by mxCalloc and/or mxMalloc defined


I want to create a MEX function for MATLAB 2014a which uses AVX intrinsics, and the memory used needs to be 32 byte aligned.
Looking at the documentation for the mex memory functions I can't see any specific alignment which is provided by mxCalloc or mxMalloc.
However, running the following example under MATLAB 2014a 64-bit in Linux:
#include <mex.h>
#include <matrix.h>
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
int len;
void *data;
size_t data_addr;
size_t alignment;
alignment = 0;
for (len = 1; len < 0x10001; len++)
data = mxMalloc (len);
data_addr = (size_t) data;
alignment |= data_addr;
mexPrintf ("mxMalloc alignment=%lx\n", alignment);
alignment = 0;
for (len = 1; len < 0x10001; len++)
data = mxCalloc (len, 1);
data_addr = (size_t) data;
alignment |= data_addr;
mexPrintf ("mxCalloc alignment=%lx\n", alignment);
Appears to show that the addresses returned by mxMalloc and mxCalloc have 32 byte alignment (in that the least significant 5 bits of the addresses are always zero):
>> mex c_align_test.c
Building with 'gcc'.
MEX completed successfully.
>> c_align_test
mxMalloc alignment=7f85ffffffe0
mxCalloc alignment=7f85ffffffe0
Is the guaranteed memory alignment provided by mxCalloc and mxAlloc documented anywhere?

Best Answer

This topic has come up in the past. I believe the MATLAB API functions use malloc & friends in the background, and those functions are required to return a pointer that is properly aligned for any typical object on the system you are running on. E.g., see a short discussion here:
However, as is pointed out this requirement does not necessarily cover special cases, and your 32-byte alignment would probably fit into that category. I am unaware of any MATLAB documentation that discusses this level of detail to give you the warm fuzzy you want.