MATLAB: Is the MATLAB display double-spaced on Windows


I am using MATLAB and now my display has become double-spaced.

Best Answer

For some Windows systems configurations, the text in desktop tools has spacing problems, such as overlapping text and double spacing between lines. It happens when certain fonts, such as the MATLAB default font, are selected and is because a necessary operating system file, symbol.ttf, is missing. This happens when another installed application deletes the symbol.ttf file.
To work around this issue, here are the required steps to restore the fonts:
WinXP instructions:
Microsoft recommends that you run the WinXP setup program to reinstall missing fonts. Here is a link to the webpage:
An alternative would be to extract the symbol.ttf from the WinXP installation CD.
1) Windows XP Installation CD
2) WinZip utility
1) Put Windows XP installation CD into CD drive. At the prompt, select "Perform additional tasks"
2) Select "Browse CD". Another window should come up
3) Open the folder named "I386"
4) Scroll to the file named "SYMBOL.TT_"
5) Run the WinZip utility
6) Drag the "SYMBOL.TT_" file from the CD into the WinZip window
7) From WinZip, select the Menu item "Actions", and then select "Extract…"
8) In the "Extract To" box, enter a temp drive (e.g. C:\TEMP). Press the Extract button
9) Go to the Windows Control Panel and open the Fonts utility.
10) From the Fonts file menu, select "Install New Font".
11) Scroll to the directory that you used when you extracted the font file (e.g. C:\TEMP). You should see the Symbol font in the list of fonts
12) Click on the Symbol font in the list of fonts and press OK.