MATLAB: Is the mapping toolbox not drawing this line

bugerrorMapping ToolboxMATLABplotm

I have drawn two lines in the mapping toolbox, the problem is that one of the lines is not visible… Is this a bug?
latlim = [32 33];
lonlim = [-118 -117];
map = usamap(latlim, lonlim);
setm(map, 'MapProjection', 'Mercator');
setm(map, 'Grid', 'off');
setm(map, 'FLineWidth', 5);
plotm(([1 1]*mean(latlim))+0.2, lonlim, '-r', 'LineWidth', 5);
plotm(([1 1]*mean(latlim))-0.2, lonlim + [0.000001 0], '-b', 'LineWidth', 5);
% Just to show where the red line was supposed to be
plotm(([1 1]*mean(latlim))+0.2, lonlim + [0.000001 0], ':r', 'LineWidth', 1);
There should be a thick red line where the thin dashed on is. The blue line draws because I do not plot at the map limits exactly…
An image of the problem is at: <>

Best Answer

As indicated in my earlier comment, the answer is to use the geoshow function. Its method for clipping lines is far more sophisticated than the one used by the older plotm function.
If you use geoshow, you should get the behavior you are looking for. Even if you move both end points outside the map limits, for example, the part of the connecting segment that falls within the map will be shown.