MATLAB: Is the Kvaser Leaf Light HS supported by both Vehicle Network Toolbox and Real Time Windows Target

kvaser leaf lightreal-time windows targetSimulink Desktop Real-TimeSimulink Real-Timevehicle network toolbox

I would like to know if it is possible to use Vehicle Network Toolbox with a Kvaser Leaf Light HS for sending/receiving CAN messages to/from CAN bus using Simulink with Real Time Windows Target in External mode.
So far I know Kvaser Leaf Light HS works with the Vehicle Network toolbox for sending and receiving messages. And also that it works in real-time using Simulink and Real Time Windows Target in Normal mode.
What I would like to know is, if it is possible to build a C code from Simulink schema that would work in External mode. (So that the Simulink schema would run faster and won't miss ticks.) And what toolboxes I need. I think I need Vehicle Toolbox, Real Time Windows Target and Simulink Coder. Is that correct?
Also I would like to know which versions of Matlab/Simulink (or the toolboxes) provides this functionality.
And additionally, if I would need any other software drivers except for Kvaser drivers that can be downloaded from Kvaser website.
Thank you very much.

Best Answer

Unfortunately, neither Kvaser Leaf Light nor any other Kvaser CAN product is supported by Real-Time Windows Target in External Mode. External Mode requires native Real-Time Windows Target driver and, currently, native driver is only available for Vector CAN devices.
However, you should be able to use Vehicle Network Toolbox blocks together with Real-Time Windows Target in Normal or Accelerator mode.