MATLAB: Is the IF statement in the component not evaluated correctly in SimScape 3.2 (R2009b)


I am building a custom physical component using SimScape language. I have observed that for my custom component, the 'IF-ELSE' condition in the equations section is not evaluated correctly.
For example, for the code below, 'a' is never equal to 1 despite cond1 changes from false to true during the simulation.
if cond1

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2010b (R2010b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
This issue could be related to Zero-Crossing control not being enabled. When Zero-Crossing detection is disabled in the model, the condition of the “IF-ELSE” statement is only checked at the beginning of the simulation. The Simscape Engine requires an “event” to re-compute the “Transient Initialization” and if there is no external input, this event must be a Zero-Crossing generated by a discontinuous function (“<” in this case).
In Simulink when Zero-Crossing detection is disabled, a function like “<” will be evaluated the next time it is executed, but this is not the case in Simscape. This can lead to unexpected results.
For more information regarding Zero-Crossing detection, please consult the following documentation: