MATLAB: Is the Fuzzy Logix Toolbox 2.1.2 (R13) giving me the wrong methods for a Sugeno system

aggregationFuzzy Logic Toolboximpplication

When I run ANFISEDIT and want to generate a FIS, I get the following message:
Warning: Implication method should be "prod" for Sugeno systems.
> In D:\MATLAB\toolbox\fuzzy\fuzzy\evalfis.m at line 54
In D:\MATLAB\toolbox\fuzzy\fuzzy\anfisedit.m at line 766
When I return to the FIS editor, I see that the parameters in the Implication and the Aggregation fields cannot be changed for a Sugeno type model, hence I cannot select the "prod" method.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
There is a bug in the Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 2.1.2 (R13). You can use the following code to work around this problem:
a = readfis('tippersg');
a.impMethod = 'prod';
a.aggMethod = 'sum';
Then you can import 'a' into your FIS editor.
NOTE: The implication and aggregation methods still show 'min' and 'max' in the editor. This will be resolved in a future fix. For now, by setting the methods from the command line, you can properly set the Sugeno system. What the editor shows is not what the system really uses, as you will see by playing with the editor.