MATLAB: Is the Data Acquisition Toolbox using the AdaptorDLL from a different release of MATLAB

Data Acquisition Toolboxincorrectinstallpreviousr13releaseversion

When I run the DAQHWINFO command from the Data Acquisition Toolbox in MATLAB, the information returned indicates that a previous adaptor version is being used. For example when I run the following command in MATLAB 7.0.4 (R14SP2),
I receive the following output
adaptorInfo =
AdaptorDllName: 'C:\MATLAB6p5\toolbox\daq\daq\private\mwnidaq.dll'
AdaptorDllVersion: 'Version 2.2 (R13) 28-Jun-2002'
AdaptorName: 'nidaq'
BoardNames: {'PCI-6110E'}
InstalledBoardIds: {'1'}
ObjectConstructorName: {1x3 cell}

Best Answer

The AdaptorDLL version that is returned by the DAQHWINFO command is the version of the adaptor that is registered. If you have an adaptor from a certain release of MATLAB registered, then when you run the DAQHWINFO command in a different release of MATLAB, it will still return the version of the adaptor that is registered. In order to use the adaptor version from a release that you desire, you can register it using the following steps:
1. Execute the following code to unregister the adaptor that is currently registered.
2. Restart MATLAB.
3. Execute the following code to register the adaptor from the release of MATLAB that you are running.
After registering the adaptor from the correct release, you may verify this by running DAQHWINFO.