MATLAB: Is the current from the wind farm not uniform when using multiple wind turbines.

Simscape Electricaltype4 wind farm

Good Day, I have been using the type 4 wind farm from the example " Wind Farm – Synchronous Genenerator and Full Scale Converter(Type 4) Detailed Model" but when I use multiple wind turbines I find the output is unstable and I am not sure what could be causing this.
I have included screen shots below.
Figure1 showing the circuit and parramiters used
figure2 showing the results when using 1 turbine
figure3 sowing the circuit and paramiters using 33 wind tirbines
figure 4 showing the results of using 33 wind turbines
figure5 showing zoomed version of what takes place in figure4
Figure 5 showing a zoomed version of the results using 33 wind turbines

Best Answer

Hi Joseph The individual turbines might get wind speed that is not equal but follow a given distribution with a mean value of 30m/s. The results of currents shown reflect this reality. Regards Juan
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