MATLAB: Is the Coreco image capture device, which uses IFC 5.8, not recognized by the Image Acquisition Toolbox 1.7 (R14SP1)

cameracorecoifcruntimeImage Acquisition Toolbox

I have installed a Coreco image capture device that uses IFC 5.8. According to the documentation, my card should be supported. When I run IMAQHWINFO, however, my hardware is not recognized. Why is this happening?

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
We have verified that there is a bug in the way that Image Acquisition Toolbox 1.7 (R14SP1) handles Coreco devices that use IFC 5.8. It is possible that reverting to IFC version 5.6.x will resolve this issue.
Alternatively, there is a patch available which adds support for IFC 5.8. Please note that this patch will only work for the Image Acquisition Toolbox 1.7 (R14SP1). The patch can be applied with the following steps:
1) Exit MATLAB
2) Rename the file mwcorecoimaq.dll to mwcorecoimaq.dll.old. This file is found in
where $MATLAB is the root directory of your MATLAB installation.
3) Download the attached file mwcorecoimaq.dll and place it in the directory.
4) Start MATLAB.
5) From the command-prompt, execute the command
rehash toolboxcache