MATLAB: Is the compact flash drive not accessible from xPC Target

driveelectronicsintegratedinterfaceSimulink Real-Time

I have a Compact Flash (CF) drive/card configured as a boot device on a Diamond Systems Morpheus PC. This PC has an integrated compact flash adapter. The CF card always shows up as the secondary master in the BIOS setup. The PC had no problem booting from the CF card since it shows up as the C drive under DOS. However, the xPC Target kernel did not recognize the C drive. Here is the error message that I received:
No accessible disk found: file system disabled
Subsequently, my applications cannot save data to the CF card as it is not accessible from xPC Target. I need to stream data to a file, using a file scope, in real-time. Is there a workaround to get xPC Target to recognize the file system on the compact flash card?

Best Answer

xPC Target supports IDE-compatible compact flash (CF) drives/cards. If you have an IDE-compatible CF drive/card that xPC Target does not recognize for a file system, such as in this case, the problem might be due to the integrated adapter.
Try the following:
In xPC Target Explorer, in the Settings node, select the "Enable secondary IDE". Create a new boot disk and reboot the target PC. If this does not resolve the problem, you must add an IDE adapter for the CF card:
1. Purchase and install a CF IDE adapter on the target PC.
2. Remove the CF card from the current integrated adapter and place it in the IDE adapter you installed in step 1.
3. In the target PC BIOS, ensure that support for IDE drives is enabled. Depending on whether the IDE adapter installs as primary or secondary, you might need to modify your xPC Target Explorer Settings node for the "Enable secondary IDE" check box.