MATLAB: Is the child of the parent of the Birds Eye Plot a line object

Automated Driving Toolboxaxesbirdseyegraphicshandlelineplot

I'm trying the following code:
BEP = birdsEyePlot('Xlimits', [0 220], 'Ylimits', [-200 200]);
radarPlotter = detectionPlotter(BEP,'DisplayName','Radar detections');
plotDetection(radarPlotter,[[10 10]',[30 20]'])
BEP is a plot, hence as expected its parent is an axis: 
ans =
Axes (bepAxes) with properties:
XLim: [0 220]
YLim: [-200 200]
XScale: 'linear'
YScale: 'linear'
GridLineStyle: '-'
Position: [1×4 double]
Units: 'normalized'
ans =
Line (bepDetectionPositions_Radar detections) with properties:
Color: [0 0.447000000000000 0.741000000000000]
LineStyle: 'none'
LineWidth: 0.500000000000000
Marker: 'o'
MarkerSize: 6
MarkerFaceColor: 'none'
XData: [10 10]
YData: [30 20]
ZData: [1×0 double]
The children of its parent should be the BEP plot and the detection plot or am I misunderstanding something? 
I am thinking of using this approach to work with the created plots unless you see any reason not to do so: 
my_fig.Children(2).Children.LineStyle ='-';

Best Answer

It is important to note here that the Birds Eye Plot is a MATLAB class and not a graphics handle. Like with all plots, the "parent" of the Birds Eye Plot is a handle to the axes containing the plot. Therefore, when using the command - BEP.Parent.Children, the output will be the "children" of the axes handle which is a 'Line' object and not the BEP object as it is not a part of the handle graphics system.
In regards to your question about the approach, there seems to be nothing incorrect with the commands. Although a shorter route to specify the line style would be as follows:
my_Line = BEP.Parent.Children;
my_Line.LineStyle ='-';