MATLAB: Is that possible to use MATLAB Coder with a Guide application

guidematlab coder

I'm currently developping a MATLAB application with a graphical interface with guide.
My main point is to make this application runable on any sort of PC without MATLAB into this PC.
So is that possible, or should I create a C/C++ graphical interface and then use matlab coder to integrate function by function?
Thank you in advance for your time.

Best Answer

If you have just started the GUI implementation, I would suggest you to switch to AppDesigner instead. If you are way long in guide, finish it off in guide itself, use MATLAB migration tool to convert GUI to Matlab app(.mlapp). Then you can easily make the APP into any standalone application(.exe) which comes with MATLAB Runtime that can be installed in any PC without MATLAB.
Have a look here fot further information.