MATLAB: Is Stateflow not supported for Xilinx HDL code generation

fpgaHDL CoderHDL Verifierstateflowxilinx

Greetings – I am using a Virtex 5 ML506 board (since my VC707 is not supported) and am trying to do a FPGA in the loop simulation. I have a simple Stateflow diagram that I am trying to compile using HDL Coder. I've set the Target platform to Xilinx Virtex-5 ML506 Development board, the Synthesis tool as Xilinx ISE, etc. When I get to 2.3 in the HDL Workflow Advisor (Check Block Compatibility), it fails saying, "Error: This block is not supported for Xilinx Coregen mapping." This confuses me, as I thought Stateflow was supported. Any advice is welcome here …

Best Answer

From the error message it seems that you are trying to use Xilinx target library support. Is this intentional? This is controlled by the "Set Target Library (for floating-point synthesis support)" checkbox on Step 1.1 in the HDL Workflow Advisor.
Only certain blocks are supported by the Xilinx target library, and a Stateflow chart is not one of them. The way to correct this is to uncheck the Target Library setting when a Stateflow chart is part of the design.
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