MATLAB: Is solve returning x^2 as the solution to the equation


I have tried without luck to understand why i am receiving x^2 as the solution to my equation. When using 'ReturnConditions' I can see that the parameter is x. I don't see how this is the solution to the equation. The code that returns x^2 is
syms xv Aop Btv Dop K11v K32v positive
func = xv == Aop + (3*Btv)/2 - (3*Dop^(1/2))/(2*Aop^(3/2)*K32v^(1/2)) - (Dop^(1/2)*K11v)/(2*Aop^(1/2)*K32v^(1/2));
[funcsol, funcparam, funccond] = solve(func, Aop, 'ReturnConditions', true);
[funcsol, funcparam]

Best Answer

if ~isempty(funcparam)
[tempsol, tempparam, tempcond] = solve(funccond, funcparam, 'returnconditions', true);
funcsol = subs(funcsol, funcparam, tempsol);
Note that the results will only be valid under some conditions.