MATLAB: Is Simscape Multibody Link Add-On not appearing in Inventor

Simscape Multibody

Why am I unable to see the Simscape Multibody Link Add-On in the Inventor Add-On list in Inventor 2021? I have followed the instructions for registering MATLAB as an Automation Server and enabled the plug-in as described in the following documentation links:
How can I get the Multibody Link Add-On to appear in the Inventor Add-On list?

Best Answer

In order to get the Simscape Multibody Link Add-On to appear in the Inventor Add-On list, you must complete the entire installation process described on the following documentation page before launching Inventor:
More explicitly, you must register MATLAB as an automation server and enable the Simscape Multibody Link Plug-In by executing the following commands before launching Inventor:
>> regmatlabserver
>> smlink_linkinv
If these commands are executed after Inventor has been launched, the add-on option will not be present.
If you are still having trouble, please contact MathWorks Technical Support:
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