MATLAB: Is possible uses HDL Coder Generation with Discrete Transfer Fcn block

HDL Coder

Hi ! Everyone !
I have a problem about how can I use HDL Coder Generation with Discrete Transfer Fcn block. Know I have a transfer function (13.93 z^3 – 9.984 z^2 – 13.65 z + 10.26 ) /(z^3 – 0.743 z^2 – 0.2405 z – 0.01651) in simulink Discrete Transfer Fcn block . Is it possible to generate Verilog code (HDL) ?
Thanks you and sorry for my bad english .
(My MatLab is R2011a)

Best Answer

HDL Coder has supported the Discrete Transfer Function block since R2012a. I'm afraid you will have to upgrade if you wish to use the block directly. Using R2011a you will need to decompose the functionality of the block manually and implement it with basic arithmetic blocks.