MATLAB: Is possible to access to a MAT-file during the HIL simulation

.mat filedata exportdata importEmbedded Coderhil simulationsimulink coder

Hi, I'm developing a target for a especific hardware. I generate a dll I need to acces to a MAT-file located in the same hardware to change some variables during the simulation. I have seen the files 'matdgns.c' and 'matcreat.c'. But I don't know how can I run this code in my hardware. Thanks in advance

Best Answer

It appears that you are integrating MAT-file reading/creation code into code generated from Simulink Coder. Would it be possible to put the MAT-file related code in a separate C-file, so you don't see clashes between simstruc.h, and mat.h and matrix.h? I think you can "extern" the MAT-file function from the other C-file and call it from the file generated using Simulink Coder.