MATLAB: Is ‘newplot’ the reason why ‘image’ and ‘plot’ are no longer working on the computer


I have been using the plot and image command for years, and did so two weeks ago with no problem. Last week something strange occurred. Can someone help me to get image working again? FYI: I have restarted Matlab, tried Matalb2013a, as well as, Matlab2014b, and restarted my computer. I have tried this with image files (that I displayed in the past) and simple integers.
I thought the problem had to do with image, but now plot is not working. Both have the newplot command in common.
Here are two simple examples and the errors they generate:
>>image([2 45 100 200; 200 300 1 45])
Error using findall Too many input arguments.
Error in clo (line 49) kids_to_delete = setdiff(findall(obj,'serializable','on','-depth',1),obj,'legacy');
Error in cla (line 29) clo(ax, extra{:});
Error in newplot>ObserveAxesNextPlot (line 125) cla(ax, 'reset',hsave);
Error in newplot (line 74) ax = ObserveAxesNextPlot(ax, hsave);
plot([1 2], [3 4]) Error using findall Too many input arguments.
Error in clo (line 49) kids_to_delete = setdiff(findall(obj,'serializable','on','-depth',1),obj,'legacy');
Error in cla (line 29) clo(ax, extra{:});
Error in newplot>ObserveAxesNextPlot (line 125) cla(ax, 'reset',hsave);
Error in newplot (line 74) ax = ObserveAxesNextPlot(ax, hsave);

Best Answer

There are two possibilities to try:
The first is to be sure you’re not overshadowing the image function. Run this in the Command Window:
which image -all
It should return only something similar to:
built-in (C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2014b\toolbox\matlab\specgraph\image)
Otherwise, in case the MATLAB path became strange, this may help:
savepath % <— MAY NOT BE NECESSARY
rehash toolboxcache
If those don’t work, Contact Support!
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