MATLAB: Is narnet <=> to feedforwardnet where the input(s) is(are) previous value(s) of the ouput

delaysnarneural networkspreparets

Hi everyone.
I recently started my PhD and therefore working with artificial neural networks (ANN's).
I'd like to try an architecture where each parameter (input/output) can have its own delay but first I decided to explore the NAR concept.
From what I understood, for NAR the function "narnet" allows the definition of the output delays and the function "preparets" applies the delays and structures accordingly the parameter vector that will be used for training the ANN.
Is this equivalent to using a feedforwardnet function where I prepare input vector(s) as shifted version(s) of the output and I remove the output initial values (for all to have the same number of elements)?
Thanks in advance, Rodrigo

Best Answer

For deployment, NAR and NARNET must be in the CLOSELOOP configuration which, typically, takes very long to train because an error-free feedback signal is not available.
The use of the OPENLOOP configuration witn known target feedback can allow for much quicker training.
The performance of the openloop configuration can be simulated by a feedforward net using the target matrix as a delayed input. However, it woulds absolutely make no sense to do so because it is not deployable and cannot be converted to the closeloop deployable configuration.
Hope this helps.
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