MATLAB: Is Matlab able to solve the system of coupled ode and pde equations


is Matlab able to solve following system of coupled ode and pde equations:
  • i1(t),i2(t)
  • ja(x,t),jb(x,t)
Equations (I removed the time dependence for visibility):
  • u1= i1*R1 + L11*d(i1)/dt + L21*d(i2)/dt + d(integral[ja(x),x])/dt*K + d(integral[jb(x),x])/dt*K
  • u2= i2*R2 + L22*d(i2)/dt + L12*d(i1)/dt+d(integral[ja(x),x])/dt*K + d(integral[jb(x),x)]/dt*K
  • u3=[ja(x)-jb(x)]*A + d^2(ja(x))/dx^2*B – [d(i1)/dt-d(i2)/dt]*C – d(ja(x)*D)/dt – d(jb(x)*E)/dt
  • u4=[jb(x)-ja(x)]*A + d^2(jb(x))/dx^2*F – [d(i1)/dt-d(i2)/dt]*G – d(ja(x)*H)/dt – d(jb(x)*I)/dt
If Matlab is able to solve it, what would be the best way to do so? I tried PDEPE, but did not succeed so far, because I couldn’t couple the equations via the time derivations.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

pdepe is not able to solve this system.
Main problems are the ODEs and the integrals.
You will have to discretize the equations in space and solve the resulting system of ODEs using ODE15s ,e.g. Look up "Method of Lines" for more details.
Best wishes
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