MATLAB: Is ‘MarkerIndices’ command available in any version of Matlab before 2016b by some other name or is there any similar function available in previous versions of Matlab

display markers at specific data points

Is 'MarkerIndices' command available in any version of Matlab before 2016b by some other name or is there any similar function available in previous versions of Matlab?

Best Answer

No, it is completely new as of R2016b. There was no previous functionality for it.
The work-around would be to plot twice:
MarkerIndices = [1 8 11 17 22] %for example
plot(x, y, 'b-'); %plot everything with appropriate line color and no marker
plot(x(MarkerIndices), y(MarkerIndices), 'b*'); %plot selectively with appropriate color and marker but no line