MATLAB: Is loop time execution better than vectorized form in this case


Hello everyone,
At first, I had the following code:
for ii = 1:numel(data.classes)
switch data.classes{ii}
case 1
data.classes{ii} = 'case 1';
% Active classes
case 2
data.classes{ii} = 'case2';
disp('Invalid case.');
However, I know that vectorized code is preferred instead of loops, so I changed it to
case1Found = ismember(data.classes, case1Members);
case2Found = ismember(data.classes, case2Members);
data_.classes(case1Found) = {'case1'};
data_.classes(case2Found) = {'case2'};
When comparing their performance (execution time) I was surprised to see that the first option, with loops was twice as fast than the vectorized option (0.014688 s vs. 0.029204 s)!
Why is this? Thanks 😉 !

Best Answer

ISMEMBER is powerful and in consequence time consuming. It performs one or two sortings of the inputs, which is inefficient for large data sets (_large_ means e.g. 1e3 or 1e6 elements). For small data sets (10 elements) the overhead of ISMEMBER is more important.
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