MATLAB: Is legend automatically updated after copying and pasting a plot object in R2017a Prerelease


When manually pasting curves from one plot to another, the legend is always automatically updated in R2017a. I prefer it the way it was in R2016b.
Is there a way to revert back to the original settings?

Best Answer

There is a workaround to revert back to the original settings in R2016b. Please take a look at the following code:
%%Defualt legend behavior
f1 = figure;
ax = axes;
p = plot(1:10,25:34);
legend show
f2 = figure;
p2 = plot(1:10);
legend show
%%Setting the legend update property to be 'Off'
f1 = figure;
ax = axes;
p = plot(1:10,25:34);
legend show
f2 = figure;
p2 = plot(1:10);
legend show
This code contains 2 sections. The first section shows the default behavior for R2017a with "legends", but the second section shows a method in which you can set the ''defaultLegendAutoUpdate'' to be 'Off'.
If you are more comfortable with that solution, you can set this property to be "Off" by default on your installation, by typing the following command:
>> set(groot,'defaultLegendAutoUdpate','off')