MATLAB: Is it right to call a M-file a program? or is it called a script? or a code? What’s most suitable


I made an M-file that numerically integrates a user-chosen function and illustrates the method used.
Now, I have to write a report, but not sure as what to put on the title.
Should it be called?
-Matlab Numerical Integration Script Report
-Matlab Numerical Integration Program Report
-Matlab Numerical Integration Script Report
-Matlab Numerical Integration Code Report
What is the most suitable?

Best Answer

First, our Marketing team wants to encourage you to refer to "M files" as MATLAB files :)
Second, all of those sound okay to me. The only thing that you need to differentiate between is script and function. Both are code and programs.
Third, for the name of your report, how about: MATLAB Numerical Integration Report?
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