MATLAB: Is it possible when we use plot command, automatically be on Data Cursor( and some other things)

automaticallydata cursorplot

is it possible when we use plot command, automatically these things happens:
1-being on Data Cursor
2-plot x from 0 to 10000 and y from 0 to 700
3-axes properties being active
4-figure window was full maximize
5-grid being on

Best Answer

After plotting:
  1. call datacursormode
  2. xlim, ylim or set(gca,'Xlim',[0 1e4],'Ylim',[0 700])
  3. What do you mean?
  4. I suggest WindowAPI from FEX but you can use manual set(gcf,'Position',[...]) after having retrieved the dimension of the screen with fullscreen = get(0,'ScreenSize')
  5. grid or set(gca,'grid','on') which you can call all at once with point 2.