MATLAB: Is it possible to viewing the “figure” window on second display

two displays

I have two displays connected to my PC. Is it possible to define which of to displays will be viewed "figure" window?

Best Answer

You could create a function, which open figures on the 2nd monitor if it is available, otherwise the 1st monitor is used:
% [EDITED, 2018-06-05, typos fixed]
function FigHandle = figure2(varargin)
MP = get(0, 'MonitorPositions');
if size(MP, 1) == 1 % Single monitor
FigH = figure(varargin{:});
else % Multiple monitors
% Catch creation of figure with disabled visibility:
indexVisible = find(strncmpi(varargin(1:2:end), 'Vis', 3));
if ~isempty(indexVisible)
paramVisible = varargin(indexVisible(end) + 1);
paramVisible = get(0, 'DefaultFigureVisible');
Shift = MP(2, 1:2);
FigH = figure(varargin{:}, 'Visible', 'off');
set(FigH, 'Units', 'pixels');
pos = get(FigH, 'Position');
pause(0.02); % See Stefan Glasauer's comment
set(FigH, 'Position', [pos(1:2) + Shift, pos(3:4)], ...
'Visible', paramVisible);
if nargout ~= 0
FigHandle = FigH;
Another tool to move a (visible) figure to another monitor - under Windows only: FEX: WindowAPI
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