MATLAB: Is it possible to use the model slicer in Simulink Design Verifier to generate sliced models based on ‘downstream’ signal propagation

designdownstreammodelpropagationsignalsimulinkSimulink Design Verifierslicerverifier

Is it possible to use the model slicer in Simulink Design Verifier to generate sliced models based on 'downstream' signal propagation? All the examples I've seen only show this in 'upstream', and the 'generate slice' button seems to be disabled when downstream is selected.

Best Answer

Generating a sliced model with 'Donwstream' or 'Bi-directional' highlighting is not supported. The reason for this is because sliced models are meant to reproduce the original model's simulation behavior. Therefore, if a model is sliced downstream, it eliminates the parts of the model that feed signals to the blocks downstream.