MATLAB: Is it possible to use Real-Time Windows Target as a target with SimMechanics 2.0

I would like to build real-time code and use Real-Time Windows Target as a target.

Best Answer

SimMechanics 2.0 has added support for building real-time code with Real-Time Workshop. This enhancement allows to use Real-Time Windows Target as a target to run this code. The file is compatible with Real-Time Windows Target 2.2 (Release 13 or Release 13SP1). Do not install them with any other version.
1.Download the attached file and place it into a temporary directory.
2. Run MATLAB and change your working directory to that temporary directory.
3. Unpack the update into its destination directory by the command
unzip('', matlabroot)
4.Try to build your SimMechanics model. Ignore any warnings about unsupported targets - the real-time code should run without problems.