MATLAB: Is it possible to use (publish) markup inside nested functions

markupMATLABMATLAB Report Generatornested functionpublish

Hi all,
I have the following function
function test1
%%Individual sample reports
%%overall summary
function reportSample
for i = 1 : 5
disp( [ '<html><h3>sample ' num2str( i ) '</h3><hr></html>' ] );
function reportSummary
disp( [ '<html><h3>summary</h3><hr></html>' ] );
When I attempt to publish this function this yields the following report
The problem is that the heading 'overall summary'appears directly after the heading 'Individual summary reports' even though the html referencing the individual summaries has not been published. Is it possible to force the publishing of the contents of the nested functions so that the correct ordering is achieved, i.e. the individual report summaries come before the overall summary?
Best wishes,

Best Answer

Also note that if you're trying to do fancy markup, you may be better off with the report generator that gives you really fine control over everything. It's kind of the whole point of the product.