MATLAB: Is it possible to use outerjoin for more than two tables

data acquisitiondata analysisMATLABmatlab codermatlab functionouterjointables

Is it possible to use the function 'outerjoin' in Matlab for more than 2 tables? Basically, I have a number of variables (around 15), all in table (1×2) having one column timestamp and another column variable. I am trying to join all variables in one table to finally make some calculations. The method of outerjoin worked perfectly for the first 2 tables but could not add more than 2 variables.
If this is not possible, is there an alternative way on how should I proceed?

Best Answer

Am still finding problems trying this way:
s = outerjoin (Timestamp, J_Incoming)
s.Timestamp_J_Incoming = []
d = outerjoin (s, CP_Incoming)
in this section it is giving me error on variable 'd'. Timestamp is 1 column of time, J_Incoming and CP_Incoming contains 2 columns each, 1 Variable and 1 Timestamp. Using 's', I have created a table with 1 Timestamp and 1 Variable (J) after clearing on of the J_Timestamp. It is still giving me error "Cannot find a common table variable to use as a key variable." The variable on CP_ Incoming is timestamp