MATLAB: Is it possible to use MATLAB GPU functionality on a compute cluster with NVIDIA Tesla cards on each node in MATLAB Distributed Compute Server 5.0 (R2010b)

clustergpunvidiaParallel Computing Toolboxtesla

I have a cluster with NVIDIA Tesla GPUs on each node. I would like to know if it is possible use MATLAB GPU functionality with MATLAB Distribtued Compute Server and Parallel Computing Toolbox.

Best Answer

The functionality to use GPU Computing with MATLAB on a cluster is supported in MATLAB 7.11 (R2010b). The only limitation is, that each MATLAB worker can at most use one GPU at a time.
There are three use cases possible:
1. Each nodes has only a single GPU and is of a single core processor. In this configuration there will be no issues.
2. Each node has a multi-core processor and a single GPU per node. In this configuration two uses are possible:
- run only one MATLAB worker per each node at a time.
- allow multiple workers to run on the same node at the same time and share the GPU. However, then GPU Computation will be serialized across workers.
3. Each nodes has a multi-core processor and has multiple GPUs per node. In this situation you will need to manually assign GPUs to workers on each node to ensure that each worker gets an independent GPU card. An example is shown below:
matlabpool open 8
gpuDevice( labindex );
% customer GPU code goes here
matlabpool close
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