MATLAB: Is it possible to use IF statement in parfor

if statementMATLABParallel Computing Toolboxparfor

Hello guys. I tried to use if statemen in parfor loop yet there is no response.
Here is my code;
parfor i=1:32
if i==1
V11S02Fp1 = V11S02(1,i,:)
elseif i==2
V11S02AF3 = V11S02(1,i,:)
It really works with for statement however there is no response on parfor. Where is the problem?

Best Answer

if is valid in parfor. However, each iteration must write into a portion of the same variable. It is not possible to assign to different variables from different iterations and have the result be brought out of the parfor: anything that is not input and is not indexed by the parfor index will be considered to be a local variable for the purposes of the iteration.