MATLAB: Is it possible to use a system compiler other than Open Watcom to generate a Real-Time Windows Target code from a Simulink model

simulink coder

The "Available Targets" section in the Real-Time Workshop documentation, presented at the following web address:
mentions that the 'win_vc.tmf' and 'vtwin.tmf' template makefiles must be used, in order to use Microsoft Visual C/C++ and Open Watcom, respectively, as the system compilers for generating Real-Time Windows Target code. However, both these files are missing from the MATLAB installation.

Best Answer

These errors have been fixed in Real-Time Workshop 6.5 (R2006b) documentation. If you are using a previous version, read the following:
There are two errors in the Real-Time Workshop 6.4 (R2006a) documentation with regard to the template makefiles that are listed as available for the Real-Time Windows Target.
1. When building a Real-Time Widows Target from a Simulink model, Real-Time Workshop always uses the Open Watcom compiler. It is not possible to specify any other system compiler. Therefore, the template make file 'win_vc.tmf' is not shipped with MATLAB.
2. There is a typo in the template makefile to be used when selecting Open Watcom as the system compiler. The correct template makefile name is 'rtwin.tmf', not 'vtwin.tmf'.