MATLAB: Is it possible to use a function with 2 outputs and sometimes with 4 outputs


And how to order the output variables? [x1,x2,x3,x4] = f(); or [x4,x3,x2,x1] = f();

Best Answer

See this example function as a starting point for how to make functions with variable input/output, and to do a input/output check, etc.
% >> [x1, x2, x3, x4] = myfun(0)

% or, to prevent habit of dynamically named variable issue x1, x2, ....,
% use a cell output like this:
% >> x = cell(1, 4);
% >> [x{:}] = myfun(0)
% "x1" is accessed via "x{1}"
function varargout = myfun(varargin)
fprintf('There are %d inputs\n', nargin);
fprintf('There are %d outputs\n', nargout);
if nargin < 1
error('%s: Must have at least 1 input.', mfilename);
if ~ismember(nargout, [2, 4])
error('%s: Must have 2 or 4 outputs.', mfilename);
varargout{1} = varargin{1};
varargout{2} = varargin{1} + 1;
varargout{3} = varargin{1} + 2;
varargout{4} = varargin{1} + 3;