MATLAB: Is it possible to turn off or suppress the X, Y, or Z axis in a plot


I'm creating a series of stacked subplots that all use the same X-axis. I'd like to turn off the X-axis in the top plots and only display it in the bottom plot. For example:
| <-----upper plot (with only Y axis)
| <----- lower plot(with both axes)
Is this possible in MATLAB?

Best Answer

MATLAB does not directly support this functionality; however, you can approximate it using Handle Graphics. For example:

% Example of how to turn off the X-axis in the
% top subplot.
% Define some data
x = linspace(0,8*pi,100);
y1 = sin(x);
y2 = cos(x);
% Create the plots
ax(1) = subplot(211);
ax(2) = subplot(212);
% Set the X-axis tick locations and limits of
% each plot to the same values
set(ax,'XTick',get(ax(1),'XTick'), ...
% Turn off the X-tick labels in the top axes
% Set the color of the X-axis in the top axes
% to the axes background color
% Turn off the box so that only the left
% vertical axis and bottom axis are drawn
This example simply changes the color of the top X-axis to match the color of the axes. One drawback with this is that you can see discontinuities in the Y-axis and line where the X-tick marks are.
An enhancement request has been submitted to our development staff requesting that an X/Y/ZAxisVisible property be added to MATLAB.