MATLAB: Is it possible to share files with other MATLAB users, but protect the code intellectually and against changes


I would like to be able to share my MATLAB code with other users in a format such that others cannot view or edit my source code.

Best Answer

As of MATLAB 5.1 (R9), you can use the PCODE function to create a preparsed pseudocode file (P-file) from an MATLAB file. The P-file can be run without the MATLAB file that created it, and cannot be viewed or edited. This will allow you to share code with other MATLAB users, while protecting it intellectually and against changes.
For example, if you have created a file called test.m you can use the PCODE function to create a P-file in the current directory as follows:
pcode test
This will give the following result:
. .. test.m test.p
You can then give the "test.p" file to other users to run.