MATLAB: Is it possible to set the line width of the lines in the eye diagram created using the commscope.eyediagram class in Communications System Toolbox 5.0 (R2011a)

Computer Vision Toolbox

I would like to thicken the width of the line of line object on an eyediagram.

Best Answer

Currently, the LINEWIDTH property is not available to the COMMSCOPE.EYEDIAGRAM object.
As a workaround you can try the following approach:
- Collect the data points from an object of the class.
- Pass these as arguments to the basic PLOT function in MATLAB, set the line width using LINEWIDTH property.
The code below illustrates the steps above:
% Initialize system parameters
Fs = 10000; Rs = 100; nSamps = Fs/Rs; rollOff = 0.5;
hMod = modem.pskmod(4, pi/4); % QPSK modulator object
% Square root raised cosine filters
filtSpec = fdesign.pulseshaping(nSamps,'Square root raised cosine',...
hTxFlt = design(filtSpec); hTxFlt.PersistentMemory = true;
hRxFlt = copy(hTxFlt); hTxFlt.Numerator = hTxFlt.Numerator*nSamps;
% Generate modulated and pulse shaped signal
frameLen = 1000;
msgData = randi([0 hMod.M-1],frameLen,1);
msgSymbols = modulate(hMod, msgData);
msgTx = hTxFlt.filter(upsample(msgSymbols, nSamps));
% Plot the data on a MATLAB figure window
zx = imag(msgTx);
for i = 1:length(zx)/200
figure(2); hold all;
plot(zx((i-1)*200+1:(i*200)));%, 'LineWidth', 5)