MATLAB: Is it possible to send HTTP GET Requests from a Simulink Block


Hey there,
basically the title says it all. I'm working on a model that needs (there is no way around it) to load data from a website, parse it and pass it onto another block. I thought I could use an S-Function written in C++, which didn't properly work, then I tried to use
which also didn't work in Simulink because I can't use extrinsic functions on the device this will run on.
I thought I could work around it by downloading the file externally and then reading it through
but it turned out that Matlab CODER doesn't support that as well. After putting 2 1/2 days into this now, I'm asking myself whether it is even possible to do something like an HTTP Request through a Simulink block. That's why I went here to ask exactly that question. Thanks for every answer!

Best Answer

First of all, thank you for your answers! I figured out how I could do it with C++ and S-Functions, so I now got a working demo that I uploaded to GitHub.
For everyone who also has a similar problem, take a look at it, i'm sure it will help you.
Click here for the GitHub Repository.
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